Precision Under Pressure

Microfluidics at Industrial Conditions


Focus on your science. Use our SapphireLab system to answer fluid questions in the energy, carbon storage, and mineral industries. Our microfluidic system, capable of high pressure and temperature, helps explain fluid behavior and enables our clients to make critical business decisions.


Discover how our advanced microfluidic systems can provide deeper insights into fluid behavior, optimize production processes, and enhance reservoir management.


Discover how our advanced microfluidic systems can provide precise and actionable insights into fluid properties and flow behavior in porous media.


Discover how our turnkey cutting-edge microfluidics systems can revolutionize your understanding of fluid behavior, and optimize your operational performance.  

History of Sucess

Reduced Polymer Concentration by 60% in Injection Fluids used on site

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Reduced Fracturing Fluid Costs By 50% and Reduced Chemical Loadings By 300%

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Reduced Lab Costs By Over 50% and Saved Two Months of Testing Time.

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Time per measurement was reduced by
over 95%

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Empirically Proven

A Novel On-Chip Oil Swelling Measurement Platform for Gas Injection EOR Processes
Oil swelling test data is essential to tune the EOS models to simulate gas injection EOR processes and evaluate the reservoir-scale recovery performances. PVT cells are typically used to measure this property; however, it may involve some challenges with runtime, fluid handling, and test operations. Here, a high-pressure high-temperature microfluidic approach is developed to measure the oil swelling in response to gas exposure under step-wise increasing pressure with different injection gas mole fractions.
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Large-Scale High-Throughput Sensitivity Analysis of CO2 MMP to Optimize Gas Injection EOR Processes
Performance of CO2 injection relies on accurate CO2 MMP/miscibility data at reservoir conditions. The CO2 stream typically contains gas impurities, and in most cases CO2 is combined with recycled gasses, which in either case the MMP changes – imposing additional uncertainties to deviate from expected CO2-MMP. Slim-tube is the most reliable tool; however, it is very time- and capital-intensive, making it impossible to provide high-throughput data to assess the impact of other gasses.
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Learnings from the Planning and Execution of a Heavy Oil Polymer Flood Pilot in North Saskatchewan, Canada
The oil recovery in Section 14-50-25W3 (province of Saskatchewan, Canada) has evolved through multiple stages as technology has changed over time. Oil was initially produced through vertical wells beginning in the early 1970s. In the 2010s horizontal drilling was established and the Lloydminster sandstone formation was produced on primary with horizontal wells. In 2014 the secondary waterflooding was implemented. At the beginning of 2018 a tertiary polymer flood was implemented and is still running (year 2022).
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Microfluidic Pore-scale Analysis of Polymer Flooding Effects of Polymer Molecular Weight and Viscosity
Polymer flooding is a widely applied EOR method to increase oil recovery from heavy oil reservoirs by improving the mobility and conformance control of the displacement process. Core and sandpack floodings have been mostly applied to evaluate the polymer flooding performance for a given reservoir; but the associated pore-scale dynamics with varying polymer MW and chemistry remains unclear in these experiments. Hence, a synergistic approach of coreflood testing along with visual experiments can provide the detailed insight of polymer flow behavior and performance.
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A Novel On-Chip Oil Swelling Measurement Platform for Gas Injection EOR Processes
Oil swelling test data is essential to tune the EOS models to simulate gas injection EOR processes and evaluate the reservoir-scale recovery performances. PVT cells are typically used to measure this property; however, it may involve some challenges with runtime, fluid handling, and test operations. Here, a high-pressure high-temperature microfluidic approach is developed to measure the oil swelling in response to gas exposure under step-wise increasing pressure with different injection gas mole fractions.
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Large-Scale High-Throughput Sensitivity Analysis of CO2 MMP to Optimize Gas Injection EOR Processes
Performance of CO2 injection relies on accurate CO2 MMP/miscibility data at reservoir conditions. The CO2 stream typically contains gas impurities, and in most cases CO2 is combined with recycled gasses, which in either case the MMP changes – imposing additional uncertainties to deviate from expected CO2-MMP. Slim-tube is the most reliable tool; however, it is very time- and capital-intensive, making it impossible to provide high-throughput data to assess the impact of other gasses.
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Learnings from the Planning and Execution of a Heavy Oil Polymer Flood Pilot in North Saskatchewan, Canada
The oil recovery in Section 14-50-25W3 (province of Saskatchewan, Canada) has evolved through multiple stages as technology has changed over time. Oil was initially produced through vertical wells beginning in the early 1970s. In the 2010s horizontal drilling was established and the Lloydminster sandstone formation was produced on primary with horizontal wells. In 2014 the secondary waterflooding was implemented. At the beginning of 2018 a tertiary polymer flood was implemented and is still running (year 2022).
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Microfluidic Pore-scale Analysis of Polymer Flooding Effects of Polymer Molecular Weight and Viscosity
Polymer flooding is a widely applied EOR method to increase oil recovery from heavy oil reservoirs by improving the mobility and conformance control of the displacement process. Core and sandpack floodings have been mostly applied to evaluate the polymer flooding performance for a given reservoir; but the associated pore-scale dynamics with varying polymer MW and chemistry remains unclear in these experiments. Hence, a synergistic approach of coreflood testing along with visual experiments can provide the detailed insight of polymer flow behavior and performance.
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A Novel On-Chip Oil Swelling Measurement Platform for Gas Injection EOR Processes
Oil swelling test data is essential to tune the EOS models to simulate gas injection EOR processes and evaluate the reservoir-scale recovery performances. PVT cells are typically used to measure this property; however, it may involve some challenges with runtime, fluid handling, and test operations. Here, a high-pressure high-temperature microfluidic approach is developed to measure the oil swelling in response to gas exposure under step-wise increasing pressure with different injection gas mole fractions.
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Large-Scale High-Throughput Sensitivity Analysis of CO2 MMP to Optimize Gas Injection EOR Processes
Performance of CO2 injection relies on accurate CO2 MMP/miscibility data at reservoir conditions. The CO2 stream typically contains gas impurities, and in most cases CO2 is combined with recycled gasses, which in either case the MMP changes – imposing additional uncertainties to deviate from expected CO2-MMP. Slim-tube is the most reliable tool; however, it is very time- and capital-intensive, making it impossible to provide high-throughput data to assess the impact of other gasses.
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Learnings from the Planning and Execution of a Heavy Oil Polymer Flood Pilot in North Saskatchewan, Canada
The oil recovery in Section 14-50-25W3 (province of Saskatchewan, Canada) has evolved through multiple stages as technology has changed over time. Oil was initially produced through vertical wells beginning in the early 1970s. In the 2010s horizontal drilling was established and the Lloydminster sandstone formation was produced on primary with horizontal wells. In 2014 the secondary waterflooding was implemented. At the beginning of 2018 a tertiary polymer flood was implemented and is still running (year 2022).
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Microfluidic Pore-scale Analysis of Polymer Flooding Effects of Polymer Molecular Weight and Viscosity
Polymer flooding is a widely applied EOR method to increase oil recovery from heavy oil reservoirs by improving the mobility and conformance control of the displacement process. Core and sandpack floodings have been mostly applied to evaluate the polymer flooding performance for a given reservoir; but the associated pore-scale dynamics with varying polymer MW and chemistry remains unclear in these experiments. Hence, a synergistic approach of coreflood testing along with visual experiments can provide the detailed insight of polymer flow behavior and performance.
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Changing The Way You Interact With Your Fluids

Unlock superior data quality every day with our state-of-the-art turnkey microfluidic system designed for your laboratory needs. Experience unparalleled precision and efficiency in fluid analysis with our next-generation technology.

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