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energy excellence award winner 2020

Energy Excellence Awards

Interface was founded on the idea that laboratory technology needed to be adapted to help the oil and gas industry solve some of the key

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lab on a chip for oil and gas
Microfluidics for Energy


Imagine a laboratory with liters of reagents and samples, where each operation takes place in individual vessels and instruments. What if all of the laboratory

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Interface Fluidics Rapid Fluid Analysis Employee Holding Microchip
Microfluidics for Energy

Why Fluids Matter

You’ve invested the time, effort, and capital, investigating where next to drill. After locating oil, it’s time to set up your drilling production. Right? Wrong.

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A window into your reservoir

Your fluids matter. We expose fluid behaviour, quantify effectiveness, demystify mechanisms and increase both economic and environmental performance of reservoirs. Shine a light on your fluid dynamics. We’ll bring precision to your fluid injection decisions and savings and sustainability to your operations.