Chemical EOR
Chemical Performance Evaluation
Optimize your chemical spend to extract maximum economic value from your polymer injection program. Interface delivers key insights on how different polymer blends behave in the reservoir. This helps you optimize your chemical spend to extract as much value from your assets as possible.


Nanofluidic Analysis of Flowback Enhancers for the Permian Basin:Unconventional Method for Unconventional Rock
Harvey Quintero, ChemTerra Innovation; Ali Abedini, Interface Fluidics Limited; Mike Mattucci and Bill O’Neil,ChemTerra Innovation; Raphael Wust, AGAT Laboratories; Robert Hawkes, Trican Well Service LTD; Thomas De Hass and Am Toor, Interface Fluidics Limited
For optimizing and enhancing hydrocarbon recovery from unconventional plays, the technological race is currently focused on development and production of state-of-the-art surfactants that reduce inter facial tension to mitigate obstructive capilary forces and thus increase the relative permeability to hydrocarbon(kro). This study provides insight into the pore-scale evaluation of the latest flowback enhancer technologies currently applied in the Permian Basin, Texas, USA. A multidisciplinary approach, including concepts o fnanotechnology, was used to assess fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions occurring at the nanopore scale and their implications on enhancing oil recovery.

EOR Optimization
Quickly and repeatedly evaluate chemical EOR performance to increase oil recovery. Interface’s Chemical EOR Optimization uses reservoir analogues designed and fabricated to be representative of each reservoir’s unique properties including pore geometries, permeability, and porosity. This methodology replicates your reservoir attributes, your reservoir fluids and your EOR procedures and approach. Find out more in our brochure at the link below.