For Researchers

Accelerate Your Research

SapphireLab is a complete system built for conducting high pressure
and high temperature microfluidics tests in your laboratory.

Focus on Your Science, Not the Technology

SapphireLab’s intuitive, integrated hardware and software platform streamlines your workflow, letting you spend more time generating results instead of sourcing components or troubleshooting image issues. Most tests finish in under a day, helping you achieve faster results than other traditional testing platforms or DIY microfluidics setups.

How Researchers Can Benefit From SapphireLab

Multipurpose Instrument

SapphireLab replaces multiple traditional laboratory instruments, like the Core Flood, Slim-Tube, and PVT Cell. It can be easily configured to meet current research needs while providing the flexibility to adapt as priorities evolve.

Safely Conduct HPHT Tests

With built-in safety features like burst disks for pressure relief, physical pressure and temperature shutdown controls and software safeguards, SapphireLab is the safest microfluidic instrument for industrial fluid analysis.


SapphireLab allows researchers to conduct complex porous media studies in hours instead of weeks. This high-throughput approach streamlines screening processes, minimizes costs, and accelerates research.

Chemical Screening Applications

CO2 Underground Storage

Replicate storage reservoir geology at the pore scale to study various CO₂ injection and sequestration mechanisms. Rapidly evaluate the impact of CO₂ impurities, conduct injectivity studies, and more

H2 Underground Storage

Assess saturation hysteresis and trapping across the hydrogen underground storage and production system.

EOR Chemistry & Gases

Conduct faster EOR studies, with more insights. Visualize fluid front dynamics, sweep efficiency, recovery factors, and interactions at the pore-scale.

Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids

Conduct porous media testing at nano-scale confinement in hours. Visualize chemical behaviour and understand wettability modification in a tight shale microfluidics chip. 

Organic & Inorganic Scale

Study the behaviour of paraffins, asphaltenes, and brine chemistry interactions under reservoir conditions and confinement. 

Custom Studies

Design your own microfluidics chips to study relevant fluid interactions, with the help of our team.

Trusted By Many

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