SapphireLab FAQs
Do you sell more than one model of SapphireLab?
Yes. We offer several models, with each differing on several factors, including the maximum operating pressure achievable, the ability to support two-phase fluids or gasses, and the scope of system heating capacity.
I already have many components needed for running microfluidic tests and don’t need a full system, but I want to reach a higher pressure and temperature. Can you help?
Yes. For those who already have equipment suitable for running microfluidic tests (like high precision low flow rate pumps, a microscope, a camera, etc.), we offer a few options:
- HPHT Microfluidic Chip Holders—we sell the same microfluidic chip holders we use in our SapphireLab systems separately
- HPHT Starter Kits—our Starter Kits include one of our HPHT microfluidic chip holders and a compatible temperature control assembly
What is the maximum operating pressure of SapphireLab?
This is dependent on the model selected, but the maximum pressure any of our models supports is 1,034 bar or 15,000 psi.
How big is SapphireLab?
SapphireLab is about the size of a typical dishwasher, with a width of 87 cm (34 inches), a depth of 87 cm (34 inches), and a height of 165 cm (65 inches). It weighs about 500 kg (1,100 lbs).
What is included with a SapphireLab purchase?
SapphireLab is an integrated system of hardware and software that includes what you need to easily, safely and accurately run microfluidic tests in your laboratory. This includes high precision low flow rate syringe pumps and independent pressure sensors designed for microfluidic experiments, an upright epifluorescence microscope, a high powered industrial camera, a cooled LED light source, a built-in computer, a temperature control assembly, sample cylinders, and the valves, fittings and lines needed to flow fluids throughout system.
What is the expected delivery time for SapphireLab?
The expected delivery time for SapphireLab is four to six months from time of deposit. Delivery time is constrained by our own supply chain wait times.
Do you fabricate the microfluidic chips for SapphireLab?
Yes. We design and fabricate our own microfluidic chips, and offer them from our standard off-the-shelf catalog, or we can work with you to design and fabricate a custom chip for your research.
Are microfluidic chips re-usable?
It depends on the fluids you have injected into the chip. For tests that involve waters and gases, it is possible to clean the chip and reuse it. However, for tests that involve oils and chemistry (especially nanoparticles), the chips are difficult to clean and should be considered “single-use”. In our own laboratory, most of the time we treat chips as “single-use” to avoid contaminating the next test.
What are your microfluidic chips made from?
Our microfluidic chips are made from a silicon base layer, anodically bonded to a borosilicate glass top layer.
What method do you use to etch your micro and nano channels?
We use UV lithography, the same method used to make semiconductor computer chips, to etch the channels in our microfluidic chips.
Will you fabricate custom chips for my research?
Yes. Depending on your needs, we can work with you to design and fabricate a new chip entirely, or just redesign the porous media structure on some of our standard chips to match your reservoir specifications like porosity, permeability, pore throat size and grain size distribution.
Will you fabricate chips from materials other than silicon, like rock?
No. We only fabricate silicon-glass chips as we aim to support high pressures for all of our tests, and we haven’t investigated options for fabricating rock-glass chips that can support similar high pressures.
Can you inject mineral particles inside the chip during fabrication?
This is possible, but we haven’t done it before. We typically focus on fluid-fluid interactions to ensure our tests results are repeatable. However, if measuring or observing fluid-rock interactions is important to your research, this is possible.
How do you charge for SapphireLab?
There is a one-time purchase fee for SapphireLab and the initial on-site installation and training, with no mandatory recurring costs.
Aside from the price of SapphireLab, what are the other costs involved?
After the initial purchase of SapphireLab, we offer optional annual services for Technical Support and Maintenance. Future costs will be items consumed in the daily operation of the system, and will increase with the number of tests you run. This includes items such as microfluidic chips, seals and o-rings, cleaning supplies and minor part replacement.
What additional equipment would I need to run a high pressure, high temperature microfluidic test?
SapphireLab includes all of the equipment needed to run a high pressure, high temperature microfluidic test. Additional equipment typically found in most industrial laboratories, including a vacuum pump, a vacuum oven, nitrogen or compressed air, a fume hood, overhead snorkel, filter system, and a sample rocker would be necessary to prepare samples, provide a safe working environment and clean the system.